The Out of Doors Podcast
The Out of Doors w/ Doyle Clark Podcast has now officially launched on Apple iTunes Podcast Directory, or at least that’s what it used to be called. It’s been fourteen years since I launched a podcast. Back then it was D-boi’s Jazz Interrogation of the Nation (or the Dboi Show for short). It featured neither Jazz, nor firm questioning, but it did feature me. It was a video podcast that followed none of the particular “rules” of a successful podcast. It also didn’t quite fit into the newly emerging, at that time, category of Vlog. I mean, come on, YouTube was still fresh as a daisy but had been acquired by Google. But, let’s discuss the Out of Doors podcast.
I have always had a passion about the great outdoors and conservation and the primal connection that we as human beings feel toward our mother nature. I will gladly talk someone’s ear off about these sorts of things, and my heart swelled up with joy when my six-year-old daughter brought home a Cub Scout recruitment flyer. It didn’t take long for the Pack to recruit me to leadership. One meeting. That’s it, that’s all it took. Also, after bringing home the excitement of just one meeting, my daughter recruited her older brother (ten-year-old) to join up. Believe it or not, it only took a couple more meetings for my wife to be recruited into leadership. Not a light accomplishment, she is one busy lady. But that’s the thing… we’re all bound together by this unexplainable draw to get outside and play, walk, eat, or just observe.
That’s what this podcast is about. I’m not going to pretend to have the answers. In fact, there will be more questions than answers. I hope you’ll join me in trying to find the answers outside.
Beard Oil at RedBird Salon
The first bottles of my premium beard oil are for sale at the Red Bird Salon in Clarksville, TN!
Update on Beard Oil
The soon-to-be beautiful season of Fall (or Autumn if you prefer) has begun and I have not sold one single bottle of premium beard oil. If you are anxiously awaiting this fine product then I urge you to take a hike. A good hike can be very good for the soul and calming for the mind. The labels I ordered so that I can sell this stuff and the holder will know it’s contents and whether or not they suffer an allergy to any of said contents were just wrong. They were more than wrong; they were plain awful. They were very close to my vision but parts seemed out of proportion, some blurry, and some unreadable. The situation has been remedied:
You will not find a bottle of my premium beard oil without this label. Unfortunately, these new labels are not projected to arrive until the beginning of November. Of course if this changes, I will update again.
A message I believe in.
Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.
There are so many hidden and allegorical meanings that could be interpreted from this design. I will make no attempts at stopping your mind from wandering. Just keep it away from anything that should make you less than proud, because this is a design and message that I am proud of without shame.
Not another blog
Now that you’re almost certainly reading this to find out how amazing and magical this log is going to be, I can let you down gently. That’s not what I mean with that title. A blog, or weblog or rather just another logbook on the internet, nowadays comes with this expectation that it will be loaded with information (maybe not even useful though), will feature guest writers (and probably ghost writers too), it will be updated with certainty every single day (hence the original writer will probably hire out ghost writers), and it will be highly monetized (this is how you pay for the ghost writers). This is going to be NOTHING like that. I have no intentions of remotely trying to keep this thing churning out dribble every day or even every week. With that said, I will update it as I feel is required with information that I believe you will find relevant.
I will mostly use this logbook to share with you milestones, whether they be victories, defeats, or just times when I’m having to hold the line until an inevitable outcome occurs. As always, I am grateful to those that share my journey and hope that you get something out of all this.
Beard Oil Arriving Fall 2021
I developed this formula and tested it on myself for over a year.
I was tired of overpriced oils with too many ingredients that made my beard feel like an oil slick, but I needed something. I was running a motorized saw a lot and the sawdust was pulling all the natural oil out of my beard making it weak and scratchy, and me miserable. So I developed this formula and tested it on myself for over a year.
Copyright 2021. All rights reserved.
The scent is pleasing without being overpowering, a woody citrus scent. The oil is light but gets in and strengthens those face whiskers. It can and should be used after every shower. I have had the best results applying while my beard is still damp, but not wet.
Argan Oil
Castor Oil
Jojoba Oil
Hemp Oil
Cedarwood Oil
Sandalwood Oil
Orange Oil
Lemongrass Oil
All are sourced USDA Organic if able.